Sunday, November 6, 2011

Scene Deconstruction - The Shawshank Redemption

In my opinion the theme of this film, which is exemplified in this scene, is a message of holding onto hope in a hopeless situation. It can also be seen as an allegory on maintaining one's innocence. This scene is active because the information given in the scene is up to interpretation.

The opening of the scene expresses this message when Andy finds out donations are being made to his library, and that they have finally answer his several letters he has been sending. This whole scene furthers the message through an emotional rhythm by taking us through a cause and effect instances of hopeful messages. The rhythm takes us from him finding out his library is coming together, which causes him to celebrate by using the vinyl record player and sharing the music with everyone on the yard. Through editing, and emotional rhythm, that message is repeated. They also use the space to exemplify this. In the shots when nothing is hopeful the space is confined, but when the record player starts playing they use wide shots, and jib shots to show the size of the prison yard and the office, manipulating the space as a physical metaphor for freedom and hope.
The scene also uses tension and release. This scene uses text and sub-text as well. The text of the scene is what literally is happening, Tim Robbins is playing a record player to all the prisoners, and openly defying them. The sub-text is that he finally feels free again, and for a brief moment, everyone in the prison does too.

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